Radiologie Prien
Bernauer Str. 23
83209 Prien am Chiemsee
Phone +49 8051 / 96 56 36
Fax: +49 8051 / 96 56 37
Offic. company name:
Praxis für Kernspintomographie und Röntgendiagnostik
Responsible for non-medical content:
Dr. Christoph Pabst
Associated medical authority:
Bayerische Landeszärztekammer, Mühlbaustr. 16, D-81677 München
Medical devices safety
Fa. mteca:
Conception, Design and realization of the Website:
We endeavour to keep this website up to date, without however assuming responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information given on this website.
If our website contains links to websites of other operators, please note that we have no influence on these websites. Therefore we assume no responsibility for the content of these websites. The operators of external websites are solely responsible for the content of these sites.
Non medical advice
If this website contains information on medical issues, clinical pictures and therapy options, these are not considered medical advice or recommendations. The information cannot and should not replace the professional medical advice.
Intellectual property rights
All information, pictures, illustrations, data, etc. contained on this website, are, unless otherwise specified, protected by copyright.
Contact form
If you provide us with personally identifiable information, the disclosure of this information on your part occurs exclusively on a voluntary basis. The information you provide in the contact form reaches us in the form of an automated e-mail and will not be stored in addition to this. We only use this information to respond to your concerns.
Medicine is constantly evolving due to significant advances. For this reason you may find some information on this site that no longer corresponds with the latest findings or despite its careful selection, may prove to be false. Often there are different professional opinions for different topics. Therefore, please ask your doctor about topics that are of particular interest to you.